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Where Does Employee Loyalty Fit In?

By 19 September 2016No Comments

Moving forward into the bright new future of work is a step that we will all inevitably have to take at some point, fighting against the change is futile. There are still so many features of the workforce that are valued – employee loyalty is one of these features. Let’s take a look at how loyalty fits into the new world of work.
When it comes to loyalty, there are two major factors which are influencing the relationships between employees, employers and organisations.

Salary Management and Loyalty

At Pendragon we provide salary management services and a question we often get asked is whether or not these services impact on employee loyalty. Naturally, throughout history, individuals have shown loyalty to those who have handed over the money, so what happens when you palm that duty off to a third party?

With the system we use, our aim is to create a win win situation, never compromising on anything – whether it’s money, loyalty or responsibility. Going through Pendragon for your salary management needs means that we can look after all the individuals you currently employ, whether they are long-term employees or individuals you have brought in to do specific jobs. We look after each individual and the payroll, making sure that all taxes and superannuation are paid according to the HR laws of Australia (or international laws if the individual operates across borders).

Through our salary management services, employers can hire whomever they like, for as long as they like and employees get all the benefits they would normally have, plus a little extra. With these kind of results, everyone wins and the loyalty remains strong

Freedom, Flexibility and Loyalty

With a fading 9 to 5 work day and the increase in freelancers/contractors, it would be understandable to question where the loyalty goes when workers are being encouraged to be bendy and ambitious in their personal careers.

It takes understanding the new wave of workers to find out how to translate the freedom they crave into loyalty. This new generation value flexibility – they’re scared to have no Plan B, C, D or E. After all, they watched their parents become redundant and they know the impact it can have. To combat this fear, they train themselves up in anything they take a shine to and they hop around to the next place that will allow them to grow and advance in their career.

This flexibility and freedom of movement can seem like a negative, but all employers’ need to do is use it to their advantage. Employers should be honouring the freedom that this generation is craving – worrying less about how they get results as long as the values and principles are right is a great step forward.
Fostering their freedom and engaging their minds means they’ll stay loyal to you for much longer.

If you’re wondering what else you could be doing to ensure that loyalty is a high priority for your employees as we head into the future of work, Pendragon’s ‘New World of Work’ is available for download now

Purnima Kabra