IATA & Qantas health passport:
Qantas will be trialling two digital apps to check passenger’s medical history as the airline prepares to resume international travels from late October 2021.
For a smooth transition and a COVIDSafe travel, Qantas has been testing out the International Air Transport Association (IATA) Travel Pass and CommonPass apps.
This application will be on your phone and will help airlines see if people have received negative COVID results and have been vaccinated. Overall, they will help crew members view a passenger’s COVID-19 health status.
How will it work?
The airline follows in the steps of Air New Zealand, which started to use the IATA app on it’s Auckland to Sydney route.
Qantas said that the passes are very similar to NSW CovidSafe apps, which are secured but able to be shared between departments. The passengers will have to create a digital health wallet linked to their e-passports. Once they have been tested for COVID or have been vaccinated, labs will securely send data directly to the app. The system then checks the requirements for travel against the data.
Those who meet the standards will then be given a green tick of approval to travel.
What are your thoughts on Qantas’s initiative…? Do you think this could be the key to future travel…?
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