Are you worried about all the rules, regulations and compliance around who is a contractor and who is an employee… we can assist in making sure all of your contractors are contractors…
Pendragon has been working in the Contractor management industry for over 21 years. We can discuss, with you, the best way forward to engage contractors/freelancers and make sure that they are covered for all the relevant insurances and that your company is compliant with the rules around hiring contractors/freelancers…
With more and more people looking to work as contractors or freelancers in this gig economy, there is no reason why you cannot make the most of their skills by hiring them for projects or periods of time, totally within the rules of contracting/freelancing…
On top of that, the contractors themselves will be fully compliant and paid on time, every time…
talk to us on 02 9407 8700 or reach us at [email protected] … to make engaging contractors easier…