The Department of Home Affairs has introduced new legislation regarding Labour Market Testing (LMT).
The Legislative Instrument – F2020C00871 – LINK 20/156 amendment states three job advertisements are required, and one of these must be placed on the Government’s jobactive website, to undertake LMT.
The new requirements are for the nominations lodged on or after 1st October 2020.
- The nominated position must be advertised on the Government’s jobactive website and,
- The nominated position must be advertised on at least two or more recruitment websites with national reach in the print media, on radio or on accredited sponsor website (that publishes throughout Australia)
- The jobactive advertisement must include all the relevant position information as per the other 2 advertisements mentioned above
- All advertisements must run for at least 4 weeks (28 Days) Note: Some recruitment platforms will default to an advertising period of shorter than 28 days. Care must be taken when posting a new advertisement to ensure that it is live for the full 28 day period
- This applies to all nominated occupations (including the newly announced Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List)
Reminder: For all adverts, the requirements for the content of the advertisements still remains the same. The advertisements must be in English and show that the role is full time, and must include position title/description, salary (unless higher than $96,400), skills or experience requirements, company/recruitment agency name, and the location/city where the role will be based.
Evidence of total of 3 advertisements, including an advertisement published on the Government’s jobactive website, must be provided at the time of the nomination lodged. For more detailed information and an overview of nominating a position, please don’t hesitate to contact us.