Brand Self: Sourcing Loyal Talent When They Want Their Freedom
I am back with some further extractions from my previous book ‘The New World of Work’, at that time the book and its contents were looking to the future but now, due to COVID-19 perhaps it’s looking at the present…
An American bullhorn survey reported that 39% of recruiters believe that the single biggest obstacle for an unemployed candidate in regaining employment is having a history of job-hopping or leaving a company before they have been at a company for a year.
Many people, especially millennials, want to be employed whilst also having the perks of someone who is self-employed. This strikes many as selfish, but it comes with many benefits if managed correctly.
*In the future of work, the way or how you are employed/engaged does not matter, as long as the conditions of employment are met. This becomes an opportunity to engage in the new way of working, to attract great talent whilst offering them flexibility, reward and recognition.
Millennials tend to be uncomfortable with rigid corporate structures and turned off by information silos. They expect rapid progression, a varied and interesting career and constant feedback. Set deadlines and if they meet them don’t worry so much about their tactics and the time they clock in and out – PwC
With 91% of millennials expecting to stay in a job for less than three years, this has ramifications for organisations0020and individuals. Job instability on a resume could come at a cost of the dream job for individuals but ‘job-hopping’ – accumulating as much experience as possible – can speed job advancement – and brings significant experience advantages to an employer. The trick for the employer in this New world of work is unlocking all that experience and leveraging it for organisational good.
New World of Work: Think play-packets, not pay-packets:
Employers need to attract talent in the new world of work beyond pay. Yet it can be a legislative nightmare: add in the legislative burden of people wanting freedom and flexibility, and it results in organisations needing a new way of paying, engaging and rewarding new workers. The New World of Work requires a new vision.
Attracting Brand Self with Employer Branding
How can you position your company so it becomes attractive to brand self? In order to attract talented employees, you have to be perceived as a great place to work.
In the next five to ten years, requesting talent will be unnecessary – talent will just show up. The rise of linguistic matching means recruitment will change.
There will be an absence of recruiters 10 years from now. Even interviews would go away, as there would be enough data and powerful analytical matching to replace them – Andrew Karpie
The power of employer branding will take centre stage. Great talent may just ‘show up’ but organisations need to ensure talent is showing up at their door, not their competitors.
As work becomes portable, as technology delivers freedom, as people seek employment with self-employment freedom ‘businesses are seeing a marked change in employee ideals and are scrambling to put in place retention strategies that can encourage workers to stay for the long haul.
The savviest employers are able to adjust their retention strategies to help young workers find meaning satisfaction in their work.
In response, workplace culture and behaviour are key areas where CEOs are placing their greatest focus: having the right culture within an organisation is required for developing businesses geared towards innovation and growth.
82% of CEOs believe business success in the 21st century will be defined by more than financial profile.
78% of CEOs see more threats today than three years ago. Of those, 65% selected the availability of key skills as a key threat.
Next week I will share with you some of my thoughts on how we can manage employee’s personal branding… Meanwhile, please have a look at The New World of Work book… Do you think it’s still true? I would love to know your thoughts…
If you would like to discuss further, please don’t hesitate to contact us…
John Glover, Managing Director, Pendragon