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Benefits of Cloud Computing

By 21 May 2015No Comments

Why should you move to the cloud?

There are plenty of good reasons, but mainly it makes good business sense. You can call it efficiency, or call it doing more with less. But whichever spin you prefer, cloud computing lets you focus on what’s important: your business.

Cloud Computing can save you money by…
1. Fully utilized hardware
Cloud computing brings natural economies of scale. Your workloads will share server infrastructure with other organizations’ computing needs. This allows the cloud-computing provider to optimize the hardware needs of its data center, which means lower costs and fast speed for you.
2. Lower power costs
Cloud computing uses less electricity. That’s an inevitable result of the economies of scale previously discussed: Better hardware utilization means more efficient power use. When you run your own data centre, your servers won’t be fully-utilized (unless yours is a very unusual organization). Idle servers waste energy. So a cloud service provider can charge you less for energy used than you’re spending in your own data center.
3. Lower people costs
Staffing costs are usually the biggest cost to running a business; it often makes up more than half of the total. Why so high? Good IT people are expensive; their salaries, benefits, and other employment costs usually outweigh the costs of hardware and software. And that’s even before you add in the cost of recruiting good staff with the right experience.
When you move to the cloud, some of the money you pay for the service goes to the provider’s staffing costs. But it’s typically a much smaller amount than if you did all that work in-house.
4. Zero capital costs

When you run your own servers, you’re looking at up-front capital costs, absorbent maintenance and IT support fees. But in the world of cloud-computing, financing that capital investment is someone else’s problem. You generally only have to pay one monthly fee.
5. Resilience without redundancy
When you run your own servers, you need to buy more hardware than you need in case of failure. In extreme cases, you need to duplicate everything. Having spare hardware lying idle, “just in case,” is an expensive way to maximize your time.
6. Climate change
Whether or not they believe in global warming, many organizations want to do something about it. This is either because their customers want to do business with green companies, or simply through a genuine desire to emit less CO2 , or other gases believed to warm the planet.
7. Accessibility
Your whole team can access all files from any device, anytime from anywhere in the world.
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Reference: Various information in article from,

Purnima Kabra