Back in 2016, I spent the year collating information from around the world, for a book, with regards to how the New World of Work would look within the coming years…. Little did I know that some of this would happen overnight… Thanks to COVID-19…!
I thought it would be a good idea to release parts of the book to get peoples views on what was said, what is occurring and what might still occur…
I’ll start with the Books forward….
At Pendragon we consider ourselves to be on top of the latest trends in work. We love finding solutions to the problems the modern working world throws at us. In the book, we have gathered together the thoughts, ideas and predictions from some of the world’s greatest thought-leaders to help showcase what the world of work will look like in the near future….
With over 21 years of managing other organisations’ contingent workforce, Pendragon recognises the next evolution in work and employment is here – and it will expand as the new wave of entrepreneurs start-up macro and small businesses with a completely new set of rules for running a multimillion-dollar company: no fixed office, no departments and most probably no employees! Everything can be outsourced and no one in the marketplace cares as long as the service or product is up to scratch and works for them.
Pendragon helps organisations remove the burden of compliance and simplifies the process of employing and being employed, and can help you become a leader in the New World of Work.
I hope you enjoy our look into the future – and the answers Pendragon has come up with to help you navigate what’s ahead.
Please have a look at The New World of Work book… Do you think it’s still true? I would be glad to know your thoughts… and if you would like to discuss further, please don’t hesitate to contact us…
John Glover, Managing Director, Pendragon