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There is a worker shortage..! We all know that finding the right people for an organisation is hard at the moment. However, perhaps we can assist…

As businesses struggle to fill employment gaps with the right people, the Pendragon team have been helping companies in a couple of directions . . .

1) Internationals  – visa advice/assistance and/or surrogate sponsorship

Helping our clients find people from overseas by assisting with the Labour Market Testing (LMT) adverts that comply with immigration and vetting the applicants’ CVs to make sure they qualify for a visa.

2) Payroll/compliance – Employing contractors or part-time Australians to help fill the ‘People’ gap

We have contractor management, payroll and immigration services available to assist you with helping to employ the skills and people you require now, from onshore as contractors/freelancers, part-timers or from overseas as direct employees or contractors.

Don’t hesitate to talk to our knowledgeable, friendly Australian team about any Contractor payroll management, Australian visa or immigration enquiries you may have regarding the above, or the Permanent residency changes that will occur from the 1st July 2022…

The working world has changed; our employer team is on hand, ready to help . . . 

Since 1998, we have been at the forefront of Salary Management, Back Office and Visa Services. We aim to make our team, your team so that you have all the solutions at your fingertips to make life easier.

We are known for our open and honest dialogue, proven processes, ability to think outside the box, quick responses, and genuine passion and caring about our clients and their needs, so they can get the job done.

Put your company in the hands of the people that care…

For more information on how Pendragon can assist you with the ‘People or Worker Shortage’ please talk to us – 02 9407 8700, on contact us via [email protected] or submit a form on our Contact Us Page.

John Glover